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Showing posts from June, 2012

Intraoperative Monitoring of Platelet Activity for Patients with Reactive Thrombocytemia and the Mechanism of Adenosine-5'-Diphosphate-Induced Blood Coagulation

Intraoperative Monitoring of Platelet Activity for Patients with Reactive Thrombocytemia and the Mechanism of Adenosine-5’-Diphosphate-Induced Blood Coagulation Shinji Kohro, M.D., Ph.D., Michiaki Yamakage, M.D., Ph.D., Kaori Satoh, M.D., Akiyoshi Namiki, M.D., Ph.D. Anesthesiology, Sapporo Medical Univ. Sch. of Med., Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.   INTRODUCTION: Patients with thrombocytemia are at the risk for development of thromboembolism, especially in the perioperative period. We intraoperatively monitored adenosine-5’-diphosphate (ADP)-induced whole blood coagulation in patients with thrombocytemia using a platelet aggregation monitor (WBA analyzer™; SSR Engineering Co., Kanagawa, Japan). To determine the mechanism of ADP-induced platelet activation, we also investigated ADP-induced blood coagulation using a standard blood viscometer ( Sonoclot ™; Scienco Co., Wheat Ri...

Changes of coagulation function during in orthotopic liver transplantation in patients with severe hepatitis and liver cancer

Changes of coagulation function during in orthotopic liver transplantation in patients with severe hepatitis and liver cancer Hei Ziqing, Gan Xiaoliang, Luo Gangjian, et al. Department of Anesthesiology, Third Affiliated Hospital,Zhong Shan University, Guangzhou 510630 CHINA    Objective To observe the changes of coagulation function during liver transplantation in patients with severe hepatitis and liver cancer. Methods Nineteen patients with end-stage liver disease undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) were assigned into severe hepatitis group (group H,n=8), and liver cancer group(group N,n=11). During operation, blood samples were drawn for determination of prothrombin time (PT), thromboplastin time (TT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen concentration (Fib),platelet count (Plt) and activity of fibrinolysin (PL)before induction(T_0),at 1h during operation (T_1),10  min after liver removal (T_2),5  min after reperfus...

Doctors grow new vein with girl's own stem cells; Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant, Life Diagnostica

LONDON—For the first time doctors have successfully transplanted a vein grown with a patient’s own stem cells, another example of scientists producing human body parts in the lab. In this case, the patient was a 10-year-old girl in Sweden who was suffering from a severe vein blockage to her liver. Last March, the girl’s doctors decided to make her a new blood vessel to bypass the blocked vein instead of using one of her own or considering a liver transplant. They took a 9-centimeter section of vein from a deceased donor, which was stripped of all its cells, leaving just a hollow tube. Using stem cells from the girl’s bone marrow, scientists grew millions of cells to cover the vein, a process that took about two weeks. The new blood vessel was then transplanted into the patient. Because the procedure used her own cells, the girl did not have to take any drugs to stop her immune system from attacking the new vein, as is usually the case in transplants involving don...

Sonoclot Analyzer and Platelet Aggregometry Detect Platelet Receptor (GPIIb/IIIa) Blockade

S ono c l o t A na l yz e r an d P l ate l e t A gg r ego m et r y D ete c t P l ate l e t R e c epto r ( G P II b/ III a ) B l o c k ad e Y u e D ong , M . D . ; G r ego r y A . N utta ll , M . D . ; W illi a m C . O li v e r , M . D . ; M a r k H . E r eth , M . D . A ne s the s i o l og y , M a y o C li n i c , R o c he s te r , M i nne s ota , U n i te d S tate s [ B a c k g r ound ] A b c i x i m a b b l o c k s th e m a j o r p l ate l e t s u r f a c e r e c epto r ( G P II b/ III a ), w h i c h i s c r i t i c a l t o p l ate l e t agg r egat i on . P r a c t i c a l m ean s t o m on i to r p l ate l e t f un c t i o n i n pat i ent s o n ab c i x i m a b unde r go i n g e m e r gen c y c a r d i a c s u r ge r y i s needed . [ M ethod s ] A f te r I n s t i tut i ona l R e v i e w B oa r d app r o v a l an d i n f o r m e d c on s ent , b l oo d s a m p l e s w e r e d r a w n f r o m ...