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ACT Machine Sonoclot Cardiac Surgery Cath Lab India

ADVANTAGES Sr. No. Parameter Sonoclot (SC1) 1 Technology Sonoclot (SC1) ACT Machine incorporates Sonoclot's Proprietary Visco-Elastic technology and is extremely sensitive to the developing clot. 2 Number of Parameters Reported per Cuvette 2 (Two) 3 Activated Clotting Time Yes 4 Rate of Actual Clot Formation (CR, Clot Rate: Thrombin Activity) Yes 7 Low Molecular Weight Heparin Management Yes 5 Computer Connectivity Yes 6 On-Board Data Storage Yes 7 Microprocessor Controlled Yes 8 Data Management Capability Yes For more information, please visit:  & ...

Assessment of heparin anticoagulation by Sonoclot Analyzer in arterial reconstruction surgery.

Assessment of heparin anticoagulation by Sonoclot Analyzer in arterial reconstruction surgery. (PMID:21422535) Lee B,   Al-Waili N,   Butler G,   Salom K Department of Surgery, New York Medical College, New York, NY, USA. Technology and Health Care : Official Journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine   [2011, 19(2):109-114] Type:   Journal Article Abstract Since   heparin   has been in use as an   anticoagulant   during vascular surgery and medical problems such as DVT or   pulmonary embolism , there has been no consensus as to the best method of monitoring its effect on anticoagulation. In this study we used Sonoclot Analyzer to detect   Hemostasis   changes resulting from   heparin   administration. The study involved 16 randomly selected male patients undergoing peripheral reconstructive surgery. Blood samples were drawn and ana...

Sonoclot coagulation analysis: new bedside monitoring for determination of the appropriate heparin dose during haemodialysis

Sonoclot coagulation analysis: new bedside monitoring for determination of the appropriate heparin dose during haemodialysis <![if !supportLists]> 1.         <![endif]>   <![if !supportLists]> 2.         <![endif]> Masato Furuhashi ,   Nobuyuki Ura ,   Koichi Hasegawa ,   Hideaki Yoshida , Kazufumi Tsuchihashi ,   Tetsuji Miura   and   Kazuaki Shimamoto <![if !supportLists]> 1.         <![endif]> Second Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan Abstract Background. Thrombotic and haemorrhagic complications affect cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in haemodialysis patients. We investigated whether a new bedside Sonoclot analysis is useful for determining an appropriate heparin dose during haemodialysis.  Methods. Twenty‐two ...

Update on Liver Transplant Anaesthesia, Sonoclot, Life Diagnostica

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery For more information, please visit:

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography,, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery For more information, please visit:

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography,, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery For more information, please visit:

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery,

Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India, Cardiac Surgery For more information, please visit:

Eric Abidal training in Pyrenees after liver transplant

Barcelona defender Eric Abidal is training in the Pyrenees mountains following a liver transplant in April, the   La Liga   club said on Tuesday. The 33-year-old France international is working with club physio Emili Ricart on a regime that includes aerobic work, mountain walks and ball work on a training pitch, Barca said in a statement on their website ( Abidal had an operation to remove a tumour from his liver in March 2011 before making a triumphant return two months later to lift the Champions League trophy after Barca's victory over   Manchester United   in the final in London. Doctors later decided the former Monaco and Olympique Lyon player needed a transplant and he said in August he was targeting a return before December. For more information on Sonoclot, Thromboelastography in Liver Transplant, please visit:

ACT Machine, Activated Clotting Time Machine,

Sonoclot Analysis for the Point of Care Diagnosis of Hyperfibrinolysis During Orthotopic Liver Transplantation

Point of Care: The Journal of Near-Patient Testing & Technology: March 2008 - Volume 7 - Issue 1 - pp 23-29 doi: 10.1097/POC.0b013e3181635c9b Original Articles Sonoclot Analysis for the Point of Care Diagnosis of Hyperfibrinolysis During Orthotopic Liver Transplantation Biancofiore, Gianni MD*; Bindi, Maria L. MD*; Esposito, Massimo MD*; Bisá, Massimo MD*; Meacci, Luca MD*; Mozzo, Roberto MD*; Urbani, Lucio MD†; Filipponi, Franco† Abstract To properly and effectively manage coagulation disorders during orthotopic liver transplantation, clinicians need reliable and rapid data. From this point of view, the diagnosis of hyperfibrinolysis can be particularly challenging. Among 40 cirrhotic patients consecutively undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation at our center, 11 (27.5%) showed coagulopathy during the surgical procedure. In 5 (45.4%) of them, the Sonoclot analysis diagnosed hyperfibrinolysis (normal onset, rate, and peak but abru...

Blood coagulation monitoring during liver transplantation: Sonoclot analysis and laboratory tests,, Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India

B A C K G R O UND : A i m o f t hi s pape r i s t o v alida t e bloo d c oagula t io n da t a ob t aine d u s in g t h e S ono c lo t t h r o m boela s t og r aphi c anal y s e r (S ien co I n c . , M o rr i s on , U S A ) b y m ean s o f s t anda rd labo r a t o ry t e s t s du r in g o r t ho t opi c li v e r t r an s plan t a t io n ( O L T ).   M E T H O D S: D ES IG N : C o m pa r a t i v e s t ud y be t wee n labo r a t o ry da t a an d S ono c lo t anal y s i s o n s i m ul t aneou s l y c olle c t e d bloo d s a m ple s .   SE TTI N G : Na t iona l Heal t h S y s t e m Li v e r T r an s plan t a t io n Cen t e r. P A TI E N T S: f i ft y - on e pa t ien t s , bo t h m ale s an d f e m ale s , a ff e c t e d b y t e rm ina l hepa t i c di s ea se s ub m i tt e d t o O L T we re en r olle d i n t h e s t ud y .   D A T A C O LL E C TIO N : S i mu l taneo us ...

Loving son gives Eid gift of life...Liver Transplant Sonoclot Thromboelastography

A Pakistani son's donation of his liver to his mother on his birthday has cured the woman of cirrhosis, doctors at a hospital in India said yesterday. "A team of 21 people including doctors and other staff of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital successfully transplanted the liver of her son in the Pakistani woman, Zaib Un Nisa, curing her of cirrhosis of liver on August 14," said associate director, hepatobiliary and liver transplant department of the hospital, Dr Naimish N Mehta. Dr Mehta said the liver was voluntarily donated by the woman's 27-year-old son Umar Subhani, who works in the office of the chief minister of Punjab, Pakistan. The family lives in Sialkot. "Nisa was affected with hepatitis C four years ago and was undergoing treatment in a hospital in Pakistan. Hepatitis for a long period damaged her liver completely," Mehta said. The woman was so unwell that she was unable to walk even a short distance. "In January this ...

Intraoperative Monitoring of Platelet Activity for Patients with Reactive Thrombocytemia and the Mechanism of Adenosine-5'-Diphosphate-Induced Blood Coagulation

Intraoperative Monitoring of Platelet Activity for Patients with Reactive Thrombocytemia and the Mechanism of Adenosine-5’-Diphosphate-Induced Blood Coagulation Shinji Kohro, M.D., Ph.D., Michiaki Yamakage, M.D., Ph.D., Kaori Satoh, M.D., Akiyoshi Namiki, M.D., Ph.D. Anesthesiology, Sapporo Medical Univ. Sch. of Med., Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.   INTRODUCTION: Patients with thrombocytemia are at the risk for development of thromboembolism, especially in the perioperative period. We intraoperatively monitored adenosine-5’-diphosphate (ADP)-induced whole blood coagulation in patients with thrombocytemia using a platelet aggregation monitor (WBA analyzer™; SSR Engineering Co., Kanagawa, Japan). To determine the mechanism of ADP-induced platelet activation, we also investigated ADP-induced blood coagulation using a standard blood viscometer ( Sonoclot ™; Scienco Co., Wheat Ri...

Changes of coagulation function during in orthotopic liver transplantation in patients with severe hepatitis and liver cancer

Changes of coagulation function during in orthotopic liver transplantation in patients with severe hepatitis and liver cancer Hei Ziqing, Gan Xiaoliang, Luo Gangjian, et al. Department of Anesthesiology, Third Affiliated Hospital,Zhong Shan University, Guangzhou 510630 CHINA    Objective To observe the changes of coagulation function during liver transplantation in patients with severe hepatitis and liver cancer. Methods Nineteen patients with end-stage liver disease undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) were assigned into severe hepatitis group (group H,n=8), and liver cancer group(group N,n=11). During operation, blood samples were drawn for determination of prothrombin time (PT), thromboplastin time (TT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen concentration (Fib),platelet count (Plt) and activity of fibrinolysin (PL)before induction(T_0),at 1h during operation (T_1),10  min after liver removal (T_2),5  min after reperfus...