Blood coagulation monitoring during liver transplantation: Sonoclot analysis and laboratory tests,, Sonoclot, Thromboelastography, Liver Transplant India
BACKGROUND: Aim of this paper is to validate blood coagulation data obtained using the Sonoclot throm boelastographic analys er (Sienco Inc., Morris on, USA) by means of standard laboratory tests during orthotopic liver trans plantation (OLT).
METHODS: DESIGN: Comparative study between laboratory data and Sonoclot analysis on simultaneously collected blood samples .
SETTING: National Health Sys tem Liver Trans plantation Center. PATIENTS: fifty-one patients , both m ales and females , affected by terminal hepatic disease submitted to OLT were enrolled in the study.
DATA COLLECTION: Simultaneous blood s amples were collected during the pre-anhepatic, anhepatic and pos t-reperfusion phases of OLT; coagulation status was assessed by means of either standard Laboratory tes ts (INR, aPTT, Fibrinogen, PLT, D-Dim er) and Sonoclot analyser data (SonACT, Rate, Tim e to Peak, Downward Deflection); a statistical analysis was performed
(Pears on s chi(2) test).
RESULTS: A statistically significative correlation between the analysed data was found. The Sonoclot analyser was useful in identifying platelets dysfunction and was m ore sensitive to detect fibrinolysis .
CONCLUSIONS: The Sonoclot thromboelastographic analyser is a reliable device for monitoring coagulation during OLT.
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